Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Do As I Say, Not As I Do!

Someone should bet me I can't go a week without writing about politics. It's just not going to happen. Especially when I have such great watchdogs out there who keep feeding me articles and information, I just have to comment on. Dennis Prager wrote a piece the other day commenting on media bias, well left wing media bias, and he was spot on. Not just about the media, but about the whole leftist hypocrisy.

The piece drew a very accurate depiction of liberal hate toward opposition. This is not just an intense dislike, it's as real as it gets. You don't comment about how you'd love to see Rush Limbaugh die a painful death, while you stand there and enjoy it, without exposing how vile a person you are. Hey, I know this is one person in a sea of ideology, yet it isn't an isolated incident. It's an exposure of living a life free of morals, principles, and character.

You cannot walk through the disadvantaged neighborhoods of our country and sympathize with their plight, promise them a better life, then go back to Washington and sell the need for everyone to sacrifice our hard earned income to correct the situation. Then turn around and have your tax returns reveal you either haven't paid your taxes, made moves to circumvent the tax laws, or made a scant effort to donate to charity. If it touches your soul enough to feel the need to correct, you need to make a personal effort to do your part. Otherwise, your like a guard dog that barks then runs behind the sofa in fear.

You can't complain that after you took the teaching of Christian principles out of the school, that society has become morally bankrupt.

It's absurd to believe that American exceptionalism will continue, while you teach our youth not to keep score, so no one get their feelings hurt.

How long can the love of our Republic be expected to survive, when you throw up every roadblock imaginable at our youth to prevent them from learning and saying the Pledge of Allegiance?

How do you expect to end racism, when everyone who disagrees with your ideology is labeled a racist, because you can't defend this hypocrisy? How does racism whither away when you refuse to confront Black Panther's interfering with the voting process?

We can't create this wonderful world you envision unless you choose to participate. Where is written leftists are exempt from the struggle to make productive change? It becomes more and more apparent as liberals separate themselves from how they believe we should respond, that they feel they are above all of this. A ruling class, as it were. Aren't you in fact trying to tell us how to live our lives, but ignoring your own advice? Sounds like a dictatorship to me!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. How I MAN sees it.
    Is it arrogance?? or ignorance??
    From the days of the Romans and every Government in between to today it! HASN'T WORKED
    The left is trying to do what history has shown hasn't worked even by force Rome, Mao, Stalin, Osama, etc.
    They want repression of your freedom of religion and distribution of what freedoms you will be allowed and the fear of Government to come down on you!
    Is that arrogance?? or ignorance??

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
