Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Few Headlines From The Past!

I've been doing a little reading up on history, and presently I'm retracing the steps of pre 1776 America. The amazing thing I'm finding is how it's reported. Just change a few names around and it could be today's news! For example.....

Over seas interests required constant protection and defense against foreign threats. Not only did Britain have to maintain a large well equipped navy capable of extending British powers all over the globe, colonial settlements also needed troops to fend off natives and encroachments from other nation's colonies. In wartime expense of maintaining the armies overseas soared. (Sound familiar?)

But like any crime statistic, the records of the courts reflected only those caught and prosecuted, and failed to measure the effort put into enforcement itself. (That hasn't changed a lick)

Another factor working against a successful economic royal policy was the poor quality of royal officials and royal governors. (It's comforting to know we are not alone)

Colonial governorships offered havens for corrupt officials and royal cronies, such as New York governor Lord Cornbury, a cousin of Queen Anne, who was a dishonest transvestite. (Isn't that the description of a cross-dressing mayor in Oregon?)

In 1760 a young inexperienced, and not particularly bright George III ascended to the throne as the king of Great Britain. (Hum, swap throne, king, and Great Britain with White house, president, and Obama and that could be today's news)

The Paxton Boys movement of 1763 in Pennsylvania and the 1771 Regulator movement in North Carolina both reflected the pressures on residents in the western areas to defend themselves despite the high taxes paid to the colonial government, much of which was suppose to support defense. Westerners came to view taxes not as inherently unfair, but as oppressive burdens incorrectly used. ( Sounds a lot like the Arizona issue in today's news. They are paying taxes to protect their borders, yet it's not being done)

The British government contributed to heightened tensions through arrogance and ineptness. (Hey they said it, not me)

King George possessed a Teutonic view of authority and exercised his power dogmatically at the very time the American situation demanded flexibility. (Again not my words Mr. Obama)

Historians have thus described him as," too opinionated, ignorant, and narrow-minded for the requirements of statesmanship!" and as stubborn and "ill-suited" for the role he played. (We're talking about King George III right?)

Prime minister to the King, George Greenville, never met a tax he didn't like! (His legacy lives on! )

Isn't amazing how history repeats itself? They just change the names and titles of the players! This whole observation is a report on the state of colonial America over 350 years ago. The most important thing to consider is what all this eventually led to.....

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. CAPTAIN another hot subject that pushes some buttons.
    AS I see it I MAN.
    The arrogance of today makes the arrogance of yesterday look like child's play.
    The arrogance of yesterday didn't know it won't work the arrogance of today is well they didn't know what they where doing and anyway we're doing it this time.
    The problem with their arrogance of today is they have forgotten aka remember "human nature" doesn't change the will to be free and not ruled by tyrannical Government then and now is every persons natural reality of how they want to live not how someone else want them to live.
    Next time your with a liberal don't ask tell them what to do and when they say don't tell me how to live my life tell them thank you for finally seeing my point what took you so long and you do think like me welcome to my world.
    Use their words to make your point.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
