Friday, July 30, 2010


Today I'm going to jump in on a current event issue. I overheard a proponent of illegal immigration use the liberal talking point that, "we are a nation of immigrants." Now on the surface that's true, but as an argument it doesn't pass the smell test. Let's compare apples to apples, shall we.....

When the first settlers breeched the shores there were a few differences. First, as I've noted before, they were commissioned by European governments to develop a new territory. While they did share the commonality of current illegal immigrants by wanting a better life, there was no support system to overwhelm. This uncharted land didn't educate their children. There wasn't a system of healthcare to abuse. There were no entitlements offered. Most importantly there was no drug trafficking by the new residents. They didn't break existing laws when they landed here.

The left will also jump up and down calling the opposition racists and bigots, throwing a tantrum over their belief these laws are designed to target skin color. Nay,nay, these laws are applied equally to everyone. If your a Canadian here illegally, you too will receive this treatment. If your an Irish immigrant here without the proper documentation, again this law applies to you, and it goes on and on.

It boils down to this, we've created a system of entitlements. Most of it proposed by the people who are complaining the loudest. We have to protect our financial interests, an overload of people here without invites will ruin the system. It's like having a dinner party turn into an open house and the caterer being overwhelmed and not having enough food to go around. They are proposing anarchy when it comes to immigration. The states have the right to protect their budget. Problems of any form are always best solved at the lowest level.

We are a nation of laws. Ask the supporters of illegal immigration, what level of lawlessness are you willing to accept?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill


  1. It's true we welcome the huddled masses but, there is a proper way to come here. Do that, and you will have no arguement from and coincidentally the law in general.

  2. If all the lip service bleeding heart would just take 1 illegal home to their family and support them I don't have a problem with that but the problem is the bleeding heart won't do that and want me to do that so they can feel good about them selves.
    Illegal means any nationality or race that brakes the law to get in to AMERICA any not just one nationality or race.

    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
