Friday, July 16, 2010


I'm starting to hate that this blog is moving in a political direction almost daily, but the absurdity our politicians keep handing us just can't be overlooked. Yesterday the Congress passed yet another 2000 plus page bill without knowing exactly what it contains. For the life of me I cannot process how you can sponsor legislation that changes the lives of 300,000,000 citizens, and the course of this country without understanding every word. How does one justify shortcutting that process?

The last behemoth bill was passed with the promise of an executive order that not a single dime of federal money would be spent to fund abortion. It was the promise that swayed the votes of the democrat right to life crowd. The president stood before the nation and pledged this to be true. Yet as I type HHS is setting up a program to fund abortions in Pennsylvania, and as of the first of August there will be federally funded elective abortions in New Mexico, on an 80% / 20% federal funds to personal payout. My Momma had a term for this, liar! The consequences involved a whipping and your mouth washed out with soap, to cleanse the foul odor of lying from the orifice.

Daily we are subjected to the bovine dung spewed from Washington about job creation and saving. Let's be honest, if the program was working, wouldn't more people have been employed and the unemployment numbers dropped? The kicker is the number is stoic despite the 500,000 temporary jobs given to the census workers. Since the majority of them are about to be released, we can expect a rise in unemployment job claims shortly. Wanna bet the headlines read, "A surprising rise in unemployment claims this month"? Are you that naive that it's really a surprise?

I'm totally aware that this administration thinks Americans are stupid. After all they snowed enough of us in the first place to get elected. And they do have about 30% of us buffaloed, but the other 70% are now walking around with eyes wide open. I'm beginning to understand how citizens become lifelong politicians, with the lying they could hold a job in the private sector.

Imagine this...The CEO of a fortune 500 company comes to the board room after 18 months of stagnant numbers and offers this to the board of directors. "Let's not forget the mess I was left from the previous CEO." And he's put the company in a debt that was 10 time that of the former CEO. He tells them that production numbers are up slightly, though the numbers before them don't reflect that. He claims the policies he's put in place are making a difference, but the bottom line calls him a liar. Six quarters of the same or worse results! The CFO interrupts and interjects they just need to make a deeper financial commitment, go farther in debt and these policies will begin to pay off. Can you say.....severance package?

In the real world results keep you in office. After all, you stood before the nation and told them you had the solution, it was hope and change. So far no change, and not so much hope. Lies and excuses have a limited effect. We've reached our limit. Start facing the truth, and quit ramming your agenda down our throats. Address the problems, and don't believe for a moment we can't undo what you've enacted. November can't get here soon enough.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. IT'S a beautiful day in the U.S.A. hey kids can you say "DECEPTION" LIARS" SCREWED!!!!
    It's a beautiful day in the U.S.A.

    Thank you for your time kids.
    ..............................Mr. I MAN
