Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thinking Outside the Box

Successful people usually don't conform and go with the flow. To find yourself in the top 5% you have to think and act differently than the herd. Otherwise everyone would be successful. This often draws criticism and mocking from the 95%. They just don't understand.

Here's a real life lesson. I mentioned in a previous post, the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin might have an underlying agenda resigning from her post. A "normal" Governor would of stayed ineffectively on the state's dime and collected a paycheck for the remainder of her term, despite the handcuffing by her opposition. Sarah realized that the constant attacks on her personally were generated by the left wing designed to harpoon her popularity with the nation and punish her for speaking out critically of their policies. This legal assault on her ethics costs them nothing to initiate and ties her up both financially and mentally to answer trumped up charges. She can make no headway as Governor and is distracted from the fracas in the lower 48. So as the pundits put it she committed political suicide and resigned her position. Something a 95%'er would never understand. To inspire a different result, you have to in fact be different!

Now with the constant dogging of the liberal's ethics attacks, advertised by a left wing media, off her back she is free to pursue her purpose. They cannot hamper her as a private citizen, a well funded private citizen, with a popularity rating well above our current administration. She has quietly put together a million dollar war chest funded by donations of under $200.00, that's a lot of support from the little people. It scares the left that 57% of that million comes from those small donations. Numbers that exceed the grassroots campaign donations of our current President. The Sarah Palin PAC (political action committee) is about to hit the road supporting like minded candidates and attacking the left efficiently without the constraints of office for the liberals to use as retaliation.

That's just the beginning! As an independent influence she can breech both sides of the isle and support conservative candidates. With a couple of years to campaign for like minded officials to gain office and her favor, she is amassing a support system that will give her unprecedented backing for a Presidential bid. She is well aware the majority voters are begging for a candidate that they can embrace not opting for the lesser of two evils. Independents and conservative balloters make up the bulk of the American electorate. With support from aided candidates on both sides of the isle, she can attract substantial backing. This is the only way to unseat the good old boys network currently making policy in Washington.

This network she's building will aid her if she's elected in passing legislation that can actually make changes. She currently is riding a popularity rating second to none in the political world despite the allegations and her resignation. Legislators want that kind of backing in their next election bid.

This woman is crazy like a fox for leaving her Alaskan post early! This is an example of forward thinking and the kind of change needed in Washington. To paraphrase Einstein...We cannot solve our current problems at the same level of thinking that brought us to this point!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Bill Gates, Michel Dell, Ray Crok, etc. just to name a few.
    They where all called crazy for thinking different from everybody else.
    These people are all visionary genius.
    Only a genius does what everyone think is crazy.
    Only a genius sees thing others don't see and make sense of it.
    Things we don't understand is child's play to a genius.
    What seems irrational is 100% crazy or 100% genius.
    I bet the Sarah Palin is a GENIUS.
    Some of us see her GENIUS now, for others only time will credit her action of GENIUS.

    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
