Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Good for What Ails Us!

We've dodged yet another bullet as another week ends and healthcare reform is still in turmoil. It maybe a small victory but a significant one as we move ever closer to the August break for legislators. The majority of people have turned on the proposals offered, and when their representatives return to their districts they'll be in for an earful. Make your voice heard!

Personally I'm having trouble with the government getting involved with any aspect of health reform. A report was issued that cited Medicaid was victim of 32 billion dollars of fraudulent payments in the 2007 fiscal year.
Just as a thought; Wouldn't it be prudent to resolve this issue before we jump into another healthcare program? Henry Waxman is the author of one of the pending proposals to "reform" healthcare, ironically he's also the head of the committee directly responsible for the fraud oversight and cleanup of Medicaid. Growing up I was always told nothing more could be added to my plate until I cleaned up what I was responsible for eating to begin with. Think about that, 32 billion dollars, over ten years. That'd pay for the current healthcare budget shortfall. We could insure all of the needy on that issue alone without raising taxes a dime. I have a suspicion Medicare and Social Security have similar issues. Let's get the home organized before we add more furniture!

We have a form of government run heath care to examine right now. The Veterans Administration supplies free healthcare for our nation's heroes. The V. A. reports there is currently 180 day wait for procedures. The process is riddled with bureaucracy and mismanagement. If this is how we treat the brave who risk their lives for our freedom, how can our seniors expect to be managed under government care?

I'm not in denial, we need reform. Let's start by making existing programs efficient. A working model would go a long way to comfort voters. Lowering healthcare costs begins with reducing overhead. Malpractice insurance is the single biggest expense the industry faces, driven by frivolous lawsuits and jury rewards. Were you aware Americans polled concluded that the three ways to wealth were, winning the lotto, inheritance, and winning a law suit? Not a hint of hard work, saving, and wise investment. What a sad testament to our society. Jury compensation is designed for pain and suffering, not personal wealth.

The government has plenty to focus on. Fix existing programs, then we'll talk about entitlements. The fact they are out of control is the major cause of our budget shortfall. Don't ask for more till you handle what exists. Bring some order to this chaos!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. I have an idea lets blame BUSH and we don't have to fix anything.
    They can do every thing wrong and we can blame BUSH.
    Like this no one is accountable.
    We might as well elect 3 monkeys and a football.
    Wait !! news flash we already have 3 monkeys.
    Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, and Berney Frank.
    What about the football?.
    I just been informed we! are the football .

    Thank you for your time.
    .........................I MAN
