Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Random Inspiration

What others need from us, on an ongoing basis, is to know they are cared for, that their good deeds inspire gratitude, and that others love them. It's that simple! Just because they hear those sediments on Monday doesn't mean they don't need to hear them again on Tuesday. This is the primary reason words that heal and inspire must be repeated again and again!
-Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

You cannot receive a sincere compliment without feeling better...and just as important, you cannot give a sincere compliment without feeling better yourself.-Zig Ziglar

Powerful words, but a great reminder, and a wonderful way to begin a day. I'm setting my sights on random edification today. The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated. Today I'm going to fulfill someone, and honestly point out something I admire about them. The key to a strong relationship is developing the art side. I used to struggle with that until I learned this phrase. "Do you know what I like most about you?" When you lead with that question everything can't help but grow on a positive note!

Each of us goes through a time when we're at a cross-road and not sure what to do next. Then someone comes along renews our confidence and says just the right thing to get us through it! Words contain spectacular powers, use their magic to inspire someone today! The day will take on a whole new perspective after a smile of gratitude.

Dale Carnegie penned these words 60 years ago. "Any fool can condemn, criticize, and complain- and most fools do!"

Let's make a difference! Have a powerful day!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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