Thursday, July 9, 2009


Let's examine the fraud and the lies we've been told lately in Washington.

We need to bail out the automakers or they'll go bankrupt.

Passing the stimulus package will save jobs and keep unemployment under 9%.

If you make under 200k/year you'll not see 1 cent in tax increase!

AIG is too big to fail.

Climate change from CO2 is an issue we need to address immediately!

Government sponsored health care is a crisis.

Okay I'm gonna stop with these, as there is enough fraud here to give the average human an aneurysm. Let's take a quick look at the highlights!

1. Two of the big three automakers had to file for bankruptcy. We threw good money after bad. Government has no place in private enterprise. Facts are you delayed the bankruptcy then used your position as the bail out czars to cut a sweet deal for the unions that campaigned to elect you. I smell collusion

2 The stimulus package was passed in haste without being read, because we needed it now! The money still sits on a shelf in Washington idle, and unemployment has surpassed the numbers you projected. You skewed the facts in your favor to apply more government and raise the national debt. The stimulus money has had no effect on our economy.

3. You've already raised taxes on the poor/middle class and propose more. There is currently legislation on the table that'll tax us well over the 50% bracket. This is not limited to the top 5% top income earners, as we were led to believe, taxes on energy, sugar, health care, etc., will effect everyone. The federal tax you imposed on cigarettes is directed at lower income and middle class voters.

4. AIG took the bailout money and directed a great deal of it overseas. How did that benefit taxpayers here? What happened to anti trust laws? Why are corps allow to become too big to fail? Esso oil was broken up into smaller entities to halt monopolizing of the industry.
If you want to regulate something try using anti trust legislation already in place.

5. CO2 has no effect on climate change. You tried this ruse in the late 70's with global cooling, You switched gears to global warming when that wasn't an issue anymore. Now your covering both bases with climate change. Studies show no correlation between CO2 levels and climate. Your inventing a crisis that doesn't exist to force more regulation and grow government. Your carbon credits and smart energy grid are nothing more than taxes in disguise. Stop the hoax, government cannot legislate mother nature!

6. Man, I can write a book on this one, and I will soon, but I'll try to be brief. In 2006 the Census Bureau reported there are 46.6 million people without health care insurance. 9.5 million are illegal immigrants. 17 million are living in households with 50k/yr incomes and could afford health insurance but opt out. I'll betcha all of them have-a car, big screen TV, cable, computers, and Internet service. Out of the remaining 20 million, 50% regain their healthcare within 4 months. The numbers we are fed to alarm us are again, skewed. I recently secured 2 pamphlets from competing insurance companies offering family coverage with no exclusion for pre existing conditions for $369.00/month, an individual could find coverage with the same firms for $199.00/month, and a couple $299.00/month. No deductibles, dental, vision, prescription drugs, office visits, lab, and hospitalization are included. Less than the cost of cable, Internet service, and auto insurance/month. Yet the government wants you to donate so they can bring you the same efficiency we enjoy from the Post Office, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. Oh, to enroll in this program call 866-248-0052, they also speak Spanish! We are being asked to pay for people who refuse to prioritize insurance over luxury items.

We are being led around by the nose by politicians feeding their agenda. I'll also bet if you dig deep enough these programs are supporting individuals who financially contributed and supported their bids for election. You may even find supporters of the legislation have a vested interest in those companies. It's time to start asking questions and demanding answers!

God Bless
Capt. Bill


  1. Hey Capt. Bill, thanks for taking the time to share this information. I feel that educating out fellow americans is the first step in restoring our republic! I am excited to have you on our team. I understand we are now calling our selfs "Sons of Liberty" I think that's great!
    I would like to add to your artical here that TEAM MONA-VIE is the solution to tyranny. We will stand for what is right!

    Here is a video from a man who has been fighting this battle for almost 50 years and he discribes what he feels to be the only way to retake our ship of state!!! I guess I can't post a link so look up for your self on Google vodeos "An idea whose time has come - G Edward Griffin"

  2. Every one laugh when the honorable Chicken Little warn us that the sky was falling.
    From fairy tail story to reality who's laughing now!.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...................................I MAN
