Sunday, July 5, 2009

Driving to the Goal Line

Henry David Thoreau wrote,"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live a life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

That's a mouthful, but it's a clue to what's missing in most of our lives. As children we had great ambitions and wonderful goals. They were hard to focus on as they changed daily. If you queried a kindergarten class, How many would want to be president? You'd likely find every hand reaching for the ceiling. Change the poser to a pop singer or a fireman and I'm sure you'd get the same response. So that begs the questions. What happened to our youthful ambition? Would that bright eyed ambitious child be proud of the image that greets you in the mirror each morning? As a child nothing was unattainable.

Life easily slips into the mundane and redundant when we fail to set goals. A future vision can change that rut you mindlessly perform everyday, to a purposeful fulfilling existence. Football's contest has an objective, they call it the goal line. The offense drives toward that objective with everything they have, seeking the satisfaction of achievement. I submit life would be fulfilling and more meaningful if we take a page from that play book. When was the last time you analyzed your objectives, and saw the goal line? Have you written them down?

Vision written down becomes a goal. Take that goal and refine it into daily objectives, again, written down. I love to put my daily and long term goals on my bathroom mirror with dri erase marker so I face them every morning as a reminder of the direction I need to point. There is no greater satisfaction than to erase an accomplished objective. Vision without strategy is little more than a day dream. Plot your course! You'll need to course correct, but the reminder in the mirror will help you stay on track if you stray. Oh, get a BIG mirror, nothing is worse than aiming low and hitting your target. The mirror trick is a great tool and you'll find you accomplish so much more than wandering off daily trying to keep the purpose in your head.

It's never too late to find our like childlike innocence and ambition. Reconnect with your past and plan your future. Ask yourself some hard questions! Where will I be five years from now? What is my plan to get there? Long term vision is mandatory to overcome any short term setbacks (learning experiences). Vision+ Strategy+Venture=Achievement. That's the formula for success and happiness!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Do not let all your learning lead to knowledge; let it lead to action.

    Focus involves blocking out distractions as it involves zeroing in on the goal at hand.

    A change in habit leads to change results.
    In essence, to change your results in life (output), you need to change your thinking (input).
    Thank you for your time.
    .........................I MAN
