Friday, July 3, 2009

Something to chew on at the barbecue!

When you examine the framework our forefather's founded this country on you can't help but admire the foresight yet the simplicity of the principles. Two hundred and thirty plus years later everything we inherited still applies. How could they'd have known in a country that wasn't fully developed or borders yet defined, that individual states would have individual issues and only a few simple mandates could govern them all? It was pure genius and the premise we celebrate every July 4th!

Initially federal law was designed to do for the citizens what they or the states couldn't do for themselves. Protect our borders, defend it's citizens, and oversee commerce between the states. Specific laws and the enforcement of them were left up to the individual states. That way if you didn't like the way a state was governed you could find one that agreed with your politics, move, and still be within the borders of the country you love. It would be ludicrous to assume anything more specific could apply across this great nation. For example, familles in California have higher living expenses than familles in say, Arkansas. So to apply a federal minimum wage, that would be fair to both, would be impossible and best left up to each individual state. Oops, wait that's a bad example, some legislators felt they knew better than the founders. Let me try again! Say a liberal state like Vermont decided to pass legislation to allow gay marriage, if that offended your morals you would be free to move to a more conservative state. The reverse applies, if you were gay and wanted to marry you could move to Vermont, fill your needs and still be in the country you love! Everyone wins! The same applies to taxation. California has a hefty state income tax, yet Florida does not. Citizens are free to migrate away from the states that they feel restrict their personal freedoms, and still be free, in the land of the brave.

Our founding fathers knew you couldn't govern everyone the same, and frankly didn't want to. They were fighting to stop that type of tyranny and oppression from England. They relied on the principles of natural law, the best way to solve a problem is at the lowest possible level. Federal laws restrict freedom, they don't enhance it.

The federal government has evolved from a light handed proposition, to the largest employer in our nation. Here's the kicker... They don't produce anything! Legislation produces taxes not profit! So the largest business in the United States is a non productive entity. Lately the output in Washington has been debt.

I submit to you the upper management of this company, er, country has usurped it authority. They have strayed from our mission statement, the one our founding fathers laid out. As the board of directors it's our responsibility to get this back on track! Let's use this celebration of our freedom this weekend as a board meeting and discuss bringing management back around!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. I agree and I see what your saying in the founding fathers writing.
    If you read the words of the founding fathers words you would think is was written today and not over 200 years ago.
    Over 200 years ago these men knew what could happen with out checks and balance of Government where ignore.

    Thank you for your time,
    .........................................I MAN
