Saturday, July 18, 2009

Accepting Responsibility!

Yesterday I began eluding to what's absent in Washington based on basic leadership principles. What I overlooked is incredibly important. Nothing you apply to secure a leadership role will work without building from a base of character and integrity. It's like trying to build a sky scraper out of a pile of marbles if you don't first possess the foundational integrity to be a leader. Example; If you had a family crisis, would you turn to former President Bill Clinton, or would you feel safer confiding in Mother Theresa? I'm thinking Mother Theresa is most likely to set me on the path to truth, and I'd sure feel better about her being alone with the females in my family.

We've given politicians a pass on character and integrity. Every relationship book written tells us we are responsible for giving others the permission to treat us as they do. So with that said, the arrogance and pompous attitudes of our elected officials falls squarely on the voters (our) shoulders. What we allow, we receive. I can't help but feel in today's society if your mate was as indifferent to your needs and desires as Washington is, we'd be in divorce court. We have a relationship with our elected officials based on trust. Trust is earned by serving with integrity, and leading with character.

You'll notice I wrote serving, our representatives lost that. They now collect a paycheck and are fed entitlements that far exceed any union benefits. Long gone is the servant attitude pubic office aspired to, now we have career politicians concerned with reelection. It's become what serves their agenda to get back in office, not serving the people's trust. They pander to the polls, not to principles or ethics. The ideals and foundation this country was founded upon have given way to entitlements that only serve the politician being reelected.

Our country used to be run by practical, experienced leaders who've proven themselves in the communities they represent. Now we have career minded college students, educated in theory, written by professors with no practical experience. While Utopia looks good in a textbook or while tossed about in a classroom discussion influenced by a liberal professor, it has no practical application. Would it surprise you that most of the Obama financial advisory team are classroom theorists who have no life experience applying what they believe? The whole economic plan is a lab experiment based on classroom theory! Does it seem unusual they underestimated the scope of the economic problem? How could they foresee troubles in a plan they've never applied except in a classroom? The kicker is the arrogance and the lack of accountability. They ignore historical examples, convinced the outcome isn't their responsibility. After all, they inherited this problem!

I know I heard our current elected officials say they had the solution to this during the campaign. They ran on the premise they had the answers. Apparently driving in the rear view mirror, finger pointing is their solution. I for one will be a leader and accept responsibility. I allowed this to happen! I can also promise you I will do everything in my power to see it doesn't happen again. Please join me!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Well I know why leadership is missing in Washington..
    Don't you know I am very surprise at you capt.
    ((((((((((( IT"S BUSH'S FAULT )))))))))))))
    Yeah that right BUSH did it.
    The cat didn't come home after being out all night BUSH'S FAULT.
    The gold fish died, BUSH.
    I was late to work BUSH.
    I ate to much BUSH.
    The dog ate the kids homework BUSH.
    The car won't start BUSH.
    I got mud on my boots BUSH.
    I ran out of T. P. BUSH.
    I have to pay the rent BUSH.
    The baby is crying BUSH.
    My TV broke down BUSH.
    It's hot in the house the a/c isn't working BUSH.
    I lost my house keys BUSH.
    I went to Wal Mart and the where out of ring dings BUSH.
    McDonalds ran out of fries BUSH.
    It's raining out side BUSH.
    The sun is out BUSH.
    There's clouds out today BUSH.
    There's no more beer BUSH.
    I have to go shopping BUSH.
    I need a hair cut BUSH.
    My shoes don't shine BUSH.
    The mail got wet BUSH.
    Give me a brake and let them take responsibility isn't that why we put then in WASHINGTON.

    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
