Thursday, April 26, 2012

And Away We Go!

"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."- Romans 12:2 What a great quote from the Bible! It fits in perfectly with the pilgrimage tens of thousands are going to make this weekend to improve our leadership skills, our community growth, and our personal improvement at the Ohio State Campus in Columbus, Ohio. We who are involved with the LIFE opportunity, will come together to learn and renew our minds so we can effectively set the shinning example for others. Little compares with the power of association. The energy that will be emitted from a massive group of like minded individuals is beyond comparison and I urge you to experience this destiny changing event just once. As that is all one ever needs to realize the importance of association within the community. It's a transfusion of empowerment drawing from each individual and returning the same boosted by the synergy of the masses. Simply stated, it's powerful stuff! How do you describe an event with more emotion than a funeral or a wedding, more excitement than an overtime Super Bowl game, and more energy than a live Who concert? Travel safely my fellow ticket holders for this major event. Lives will be changed, destinies will be redirected, and legacies will be determined this weekend. If your not going to this event, and not part of this existence improving opportunity, please reread the first sentence of this post and ask yourself.....why not? God Bless! Capt. Bill

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