Thursday, September 23, 2010

With Eyes Wide Open!

It's amazing how the mastery of the art of communication can effect our lives. I'll never cease to wonder how the tweaking of our phraseology alters the intended outcome of a situation. Take for example the everyday situation where you encounter someone who's absolutely tried your patience. The natural reaction is to become confrontational and say something that might sound a little like this.....

"Your an absolute moron, how could you possibly arrive at that conclusion?"

Now as pleasing to the pallet as that statement might be, it's without a doubt confrontational. The outcome of reaction to it is bound to be less than pleasing. You've belittled and demeaned the person you've directed the comment toward, putting them immediately on the defensive, Your pining for a fight, and chances are you'll get your wish. It's time to apply some people skills and rephrase your response. Something of this nature, perhaps.....

" I'm afraid I expected a little too much from you, this is my fault. I didn't communicate that properly, and there is no way you could have possibly understood what I meant."

Caution: tone is important here! This situation can also explode if not said in a loving manner. You transferred the blame to yourself, accepting the outcome of a less than desirable result, and disarmed the potential argument. Bravo, an adult reaction, and a feather in your hat toward personal growth!

Rephrasing to disarm a potentially explosive situation is the sign of leadership. People are not going to follow you if you raise their blood pressure! This is especially true in family matters. Husbands and wives share the responsibility of leadership in the home, and mastering this art can be especially helpful in relationship building.

God gives us these lessons daily to learn from. It's a simple matter of opening your eyes and absorbing the knowledge. Be aware that every scenario is an opportunity to learn and grow personally.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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