Monday, September 13, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free!

John 8:32 tells us "The truth shall set you free." I think we can conclude from those teachings the opposite would be, lies are designed to keep us in bondage. Let's also apply the words of AJ Nock, "The truth tampered with is truth lost." With all this in mind how does Washington's agenda measure up?

When politicians put a spin on the truth one can derive it's because that issue is designed to limit our freedom. Since Americans value their freedom, one would think any effort to limit or take it away would be looked upon unfavorably. I.E. It's time to send the liars packing. Their agenda has been exposed.

How many of our current politicians holding office in both the White House and the Congress have stood before us and twisted the truth? How many have backed legislation and defended it without the benefit of complete honesty?

We need to review who we choose to run this country. Recently we've been remiss, and the result has been a compromise of our liberty. We were handed a basic outline of a limited government, and it's been perverted and sold to us as beneficial. Is it ever beneficial to limit a man's freedom? Ask an incarcerated convict.....

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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