Saturday, September 4, 2010

Principle Based Priorities!

I was asked a great question the other day, one I think we should all ask ourselves often. Are your priorities principle based, or are your principles based on your priorities?

Life is demanding, but we should never allow that to interfere with what we believe in. As I've been reminded many times before...

"Methods are many, principles are few, methods may change, but principles never do!"

I've found listing my priorities based on my principles helps keep me on track when the difficult situations arise. So I thought I'd share how mine align...

Faith tops the list. When I feel lost, I ask myself this simple question. What would Jesus do? My path always is clear when I start here.

My family is next in line, followed by my friends, and then work. Using this pecking order, most conflicts are easily placed by level of importance. Apply a liberal dose of love and forgiveness and the path seems much clearer.

With the firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence....

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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