Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Power of Association!

I was reminded yesterday of a lesson I wished I'd learned earlier in life. Seeking to replenish the garden with nutrients, I brought some boots, gloves, a shovel and eight garbage cans to the stable, and helped myself to the muck pile. The shavings and manure easily loaded into my truck, and I drove off to nourish the vegetable garden. I tilled my booty into the existing bed and got it ready for the fall planting, then washed up and sat down to lunch. Low and behold as I sat there enjoying my lunch, a pungent aroma began to fill the air. I reeked of manure, even though I was careful and didn't get anything on me, or on my clothes. That my friends is the power of a bad association.

It's often been said that the people we fill our time with define us. So that begs the question, are your associations fruitful, or do the stink of manure? In my youth I hung around with people who hardly reflected my goals, and the results we obvious. It wasn't until I answered the wake up call, that my life began to change. For the better I might add. People of means and influence associate with like minded people. Sluggards of less desirable means also adhere to this rule. You get to choose.

If you add your income to that of your four closest friends, and divide by five, you'll be very close to what your earnings are. I suspect if there was the same level of measurement of character and integrity the result would be the same. Couldn't we also assume if they had a measure for commitment to relationships, that would yield similar results?

Success is not an accident. Not only does it leave clues, it has a footpath to follow. Assuming responsibility for your associations is one of the first steps down this footpath. I love the statement, "if you associate with thieves, it won't be long before you find yourself at the wheel of the get away car." Experience has taught me this is all true. I can't help but lament about the time wasted because I ignored this lesson.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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