Friday, September 24, 2010

Reputation, Values, and Principles!

A dear friend of mine who I love very much recently had a problem with definitions. I could see where they were led astray so I thought it might benefit everyone to redefine and explain where the error occurred.

After boasting to his peers about a course of action he was determined to take, he realized the outcome would be hurtful to some of the people in his life he cared about very much. In fact it was going to possibly cause irreparable damage to his relationships. He rationalized his agenda by announcing his integrity would be at stake if he didn't follow through. Here in lies the problem. Whenever it's necessary to rational-lies to yourself your going down the wrong path.

The first mistake in this situation is he confused the definition of reputation with integrity. Your integrity is based upon the foundation of your principles. How solid your integrity is, is based on how you adhere to your principles. Your reputation is the shadow cast by your actions.

Now your principles are defined by your values, and your values are based on your priorities. Mine happen to be God first, then my family, then my friends, then work. Considering friends and family fall just under my Savior, I make a point of putting relationships first. So if my actions violated that principle, it would impute my integrity, but that's just me. Perhaps your priorities align differently.

Now instead of damaging relationships I value in my life, it might be best for my reputation to admit I had erred, and cite a review of my principles as the reason to adjust my course of action. That's what a man does, he takes responsibility for his actions and admits when he's wrong. That is a man of integrity and principle, who will find his reputation will reflect that when he uses this logic to make decisions. The only justification required is an adherence to your principles, that's never hard to defend.

I would be remiss if I didn't suggest you read this great piece written by my mentor Orrin Woodward. It's a great guideline toward relationship building in your home.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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