Saturday, September 25, 2010

E Pluribus Unium, But Are They Smart?

If you had your druthers, and your thirst needed quenching, would you prefer a cool bottle water, or a sip from a lukewarm public fountain?

Once that water has been processed and nature has taken it's course, would you opt to use a public restroom, or rather the comfort of your private bathroom?

If the heat of the day suggested a refreshing dip in the pool, would you join the masses in a public facility, or enjoy your own private swimming ool? (note I left out the pee).

Catching the theme? Private is usually preferred over public, because little the government does is done as well as the private sector. So that begs the question....Why would we let the government educate our children?

Actually I should rephrase that. They aren't educating anyone, they are training them to perform. The process of education requires you be taught to think. The current system is training them to pass a comprehensive assessment test, get a job, work for someone else and pay taxes. Sounds like animals in a circus, no?

Let me ask you this...Who teaches our children in the public schools? Are they the cream of the crop? Do our children study great philosophers like Socrates or Plato? Is that type of wisdom placed on their learning plate so the can process information and make an informed decision? Or are they spoon fed information from a text book, (written by who?) so they can pass a test designed by the government to evaluate how well they are trained? After generations of this indoctrination, how well informed will our population be? How wise and able to process information objectively will our scholars be?

There was a time when Greek and Latin where part of the education process. The literary classics where included in the curriculum. History was taught so we could learn from the experiences of others. I'll bet you most high school graduates cannot tell you what the translation of E Pluribus Unum means.

So if you had to use a mode of transportation, would it be public, or private?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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