Friday, September 17, 2010

Put Your Two Cents In!

Here is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a contributor in what's sure to be a best selling book! Orrin Woodward is asking us to choose some of our favorite tweets from his list of possibilities, and he's going to assemble the most popular into his next book. Here were my choices......

The strength of our convictions is measured by how much we are willing to sacrifice for them.

Success never goes on sale, but most spend their whole life dickering over the cost & never make the purchase.

True knowledge is understanding how little you truly know.

Telling a person to seek a nice secure job is like telling a lion to seek a nice secure zoo.

Being a critic is much easier than being a leader since it requires no sacrifice or results to qualify.

In life, most people surrender what is possible for what is comfortable.

In life, you either hate losing enough to change or you hate changing enough to lose.

Today's age worries too much about image and not enough about integrity.

You cease to be excellent the moment you accept mediocrity in your life.

Teach character and if you must, use words.

Here's the web site to put your two cents in....

While your there you can also vote for the top leadership guru's. Orrin hit the top 10 last year, and I'm betting his level of influence has increased! In any case it's time well spent and great reading. I had a hard time limiting my favorites to just ten possibilities. Enjoy!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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