Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome, Patrick III !

My Dearest Nephew;
Welcome to the world of fatherhood, and congratulations on the birth of Patrick III. Time will help you understand the journey you've undertaken, the walk from male to man. Patrick III now relies upon you for everything, since you gave him the gift of life your also blessed with responsibility. When he wants, your the man to fulfill his desires. When he hurts, your the man to make it right. When he's wrong, your the man to discipline, explain, and correct. When he's happy, your the man who shares in his joy.

The blessings he'll bring you defy explanation, the growing pains will be equal in kind. We are a product of our environment, and his well being will be defined by the environment you provide for him, it's a heavy responsibility. You've just been elected his super hero.

As a super hero you'll share in his victories and explain the lessons of his defeats. He'll study your every move and emulate his idol. You'll be greeted with hugs of admiration for fulfilling these responsibilities, and his love will know no boundaries, at least till he learns to speak.

About the time he hits sixth grade he'll enter the arrogant years. His expertise will be unlimited and Dad won't be as useful. You'll be downgraded from super hero to ATM, but again this will be defined by the upbringing you provide during the impressionable years. It's not all bad though, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing life will provide the lessons to enlighten him and somewhere in his thirties it'll hit him. Dad was right, and that's what he was trying to tell me. You'll have that moment anytime now. Don't be afraid to call Pop up and share his victory with him. He's waited a long time for it, and it's been a bumpy road.

All in all it'll be worth the struggle. You now have the ability to present the world with a new and improved, you in infant size. Give him the benefit of the lessons you've learned, and the struggles you've overcome, so he can avoid the pain of experience. You'll be a wonderful Dad, a loving and caring Father.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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