Tuesday, February 1, 2011

There Is A Reason!

Have you noticed lately the unusual acts of violence that plagues our nation? Citizens sit on the edge of their chairs awaiting the classification of the perpetrator, well most of us, the media almost always announces it has to be one of those gun toting, God fearing conservatives run amok. Then we get the truth, but then the truth is likely the cause of what drove those liberals to their acts of insanity. Realization that everything you've ever believed is illogical and hypocritical, just might be what drove those people insane.

Let's start where their philosophy begins, Charles Darwin (1809-1882), the father of evolution. His theory as presented in his book titled, "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or Preservation of favored Races in the Struggle for Life," teaches survival of the fittest. Most liberals have traded the theory of evolution for the belief that there is a creator. Herein lies the problem....No one has yet shown how man could have been brought forth from non-man solely by the application of time plus chance. And when these "thinkers" decide man is autonomous, they find there are no values or principles, because there is no higher power to hold them accountable. So first you have a theory with no credible explanation, then the mathematical community applies logic and shows the laws of chance totally disprove this as even a possibility.

Now if you believe that only the strong survive, as preached by Darwin, how do you then move to a socialist society where everyone is on a level playing field? Can you begin to see where the contradiction plays on the sanity of the believer? Isn't anyone who isn't strong prey for those who are? But then the field is only level under those who rule, as the elitist who rule enjoy the perks.

Liberals as stated above, are strong defenders of a socialistic form of government, yet there isn't one in history that has survived. And the capitalism they abhor stands as the model of longest standing success of a government model. Add to that the fact the capitalist's poor enjoy a better standard of living then anyone living under socialist or communist rule, and you have contradiction after contradiction. Logic sets in and the liberal, once enlightened, sees that under this philosophy the truth is only in one's own head, and the possibility of objective truth is gone.

These are just a few of the realizations that could be the factors that drive those liberals insane. All the philosophy falls apart and everything they've know becomes illogical. The awareness of the facts their beliefs are grounded in non-reason overcomes them and they become pessimistic and depressed. Now on the flip side, those grounded in faith, have answers they believe in. They know God created man, man comes from man, there are absolutes, and principles and values have a reason. Kind of comforting, don't you think?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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