Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Attitudes!

I hope we all have made ourselves familiar with the four personalities. If not pick up the book Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer, it's a great insight about the how and why people are like they are. Did you also know there are the five attitudes? Here's a quick overview of them, see if you recognize if any of these are present in your life.

The Refresher;
You have to love when you encounter this one. They are the little ray of sunshine in everyone's life! Somehow they manage to brighten up everyone's day. It seems effortless to them, and they are great company to keep. Your day should begin with a refresher!

The Reflector;
These wonderful souls are a mirror image of your attitude. If your happy, they are happy, if your sad, they are sad. They ape your perspective on the day, and are totally influenced by you. It's been said that imitation is the finest form of flattery, the reflector is all of that and so much more.

The Refiner;
Ah the refiner.....They are the fine tuner in your life. They tweak everything you do, following your every move to insure all your T's are crossed and your I's are dotted. They add the "tail" in detail. If you don't have someone like this in your life, go check the mirror, they'll be staring back at you!

The Reducer;
Not an attractive person, critical of everything you do. While it's been said there has never been a statue erected to a critic, these people are vying to be the first. Their objective is to keep you walking a fine line by verbal abuse. I have to think they are not very happy with themselves, you we bear the brunt of their dissatisfaction.

The Rejecter;
These people are basically insignificant. They refuse to participate in your life, and just why would anyone want them to? Just pray for this soul and hope the good Lord shows them the light. Until such time this is all the attention they deserve.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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