Wednesday, February 23, 2011

America Isn't Stupid....Yet!

I have to apologize if it seems I'm stuck on the Wisconsin union thing, but there are so many things wrong here and so many lessons to be learned. It's a great teaching moment!

Unionization of a work force is simply the mass victimization of people. They collectively complain about their lack of exceptionalism. In effect, they've given up their individual freedom for mass mediocrity. Let's just think about that for a second. The union worker agreed to collectively bargain for their rights, forfeiting their ability to excel, then stand before a nation to complain when they don't like the current state of affairs. It's a strategy in life that prevents them from becoming successful, avoiding their ability to be rewarded for exceptional work ethic. They actually gave up value for comfort. So after trading their freedom that our forefathers fought so hard for, to be treated like a herd with no possibility to excel, they throw a tantrum when these actions fail to produce the desired results. This is the price of accepting average, when greatness is available. They are slaves to the tyranny of mediocrity instead of enjoying the liberty brought about by results.

Mediocrity is the height of selfishness, and lends one to making excuses for a lack of performance, or simply put, self deception and dishonesty. Nothing highlights this more than Wisconsin teachers standing before us demanding their due when the results show they've failed to do their job. 2/3's of the eighth grade student fail to read at a proficient level, yet the teachers are the victims! It doesn't take Albert Einstein to surmise why the people of Wisconsin have had enough. I'm sure there are some dedicated teachers in Wisconsin who do their job with pride and passion, but I can assure you they don't teach reading, and I'll bet you they would be embarrassed to be involved with this mob making demands.

America isn't stupid...yet.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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