Thursday, December 9, 2010

Working Our Priorities!

I was pondering the art of relationships the other day, when I again realized how important and relevant our list of priorities are. Most people I've talked to begin this list with...




Yet while they speak this as important, it seems that generally the category of "I" supersedes all of the above. They tend to act based upon how a situation affects themselves, rather than working their list of priorities. Perhaps if they considered how does this affect my relationship with God as the first question they might find guidance. Then consider the adage, "what would Jesus do?" Then move down the list to how does this affect my family? Followed by how does this affect my friends? All of this should be considered before the selfish question is asked, "how does this affect me?"

We should put a higher value on our relationship with God, family, and friends, before self is considered. While something may cause a rift in your life, is it a big enough issue to place a relationship in jeopardy?

Put yourself in the back seat and let your priorities navigate your life. You'll find the road becomes smoother, and the destination you seek will have a defined course.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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