Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Fifth and Sixth Days of Christmas!!!

Yesterday’s post was hampered by a computer virus, but I’ve overcome that challenge and to make up for it today you get a two-fer! I’d like to bring you back to a simpler time in life, back about the time you were attending kindergarten. Remember when the teacher and others would ask, what do you want to be when you grow up? With our childlike innocence , and naïve vision , we conjured up all kinds of answers! Poets, firemen, policemen, nurses, doctors, president, princess, king or a queen, our imagination had no boundaries. If we were asked today , how would that question be answered?

I remember just prior to Christmas a treasure would arrive at our household. It was eagerly anticipated and when it arrived, absorbed like no other literature! It was the ever popular Sears catalogue. My fingers would fly through the pages, past the clothes, and the house wares, avoiding the shoes and head directly to the toys. Everything a young man or woman could ever dream of lay there for the taking, all it required was hope and belief in a miracle. There were tanks and dolls, blimps and tea sets, plastic guns and easy bake ovens, and all you had to do was behave and believe, and Santa would reward your dreams. Life set in and now I wonder where all that hope and belief in our dreams and vision has gone?

You know that’s not lost, it’s just buried under layers of reality. We have to have the audacity to dream. The power of hope is what drives change. Take yourself back to that young child, and remember when all things were possible. They still are….

That’s the gift for the fifth day of Christmas, hope, imagination, dreams, and vision.

“Nothing happens but first the dream.” -Sagan

Now on the sixth day of Christmas I’d like to remind you that God honors commitment. Making your dreams a reality take blind commitment and a powerful faith in the Lord. Success is always just the other side of the struggle. How many people quit on their dreams when they can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, just to fall victim to a bend in the road? Just a little more commitment and your goal can be realized. If you quit on your dream, what do you return back to? Is the pain of mediocrity worth the regret of what might have been? That my friends is the enemy of greatness, a lack of commitment and faith in the Lord. Life is here to live, no one gets out alive, so why do we settle for the safe and comfortable? When you find your dream, apply the commitment needed to see it through!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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