Monday, December 20, 2010

On The Eigth Day Of Christmas......

The gift for the Eighth Day of Christmas is exceptionalism. Not all my readers live here in the United States of America, so an explanation might be in order. We celebrate ingenuity, resourcefulness, thought, innovation, ideas, performance, and anything that makes you stand out from the average soul. It's what made our country great, and is truly a gift from God above.

Average performers believe their errors were caused by factors outside their influence. Top performers, by contrast, know they are responsible for their errors, accept accountability and move forward to correct those learning experiences.

Poor performers don't set goals at all; they just slog along through their work in a meaningless fog. Mediocre performers set goals that are general, and are often focused on just getting the task accomplished. A good outcome is all they desire.

The best performers, those who deal in exceptionalism, seek the great outcome. They set goals that are not about the outcome but about stretching themselves to a place that seems unachievable.

Example: Being the first man on the moon when you don't even have a space program operational. That my friends is what makes America and it's citizens great. Big, hairy, audacious goal setting.

What a wonderful environment we live in, enjoying the freedom to express our ambitions and achieve our dreams! That's not only a gift but a blessing!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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