Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Wealth of Information!

I sit here as an average citizen of this great country, and watch Washington debate how much of the top 5%'s income they can commandeer to redistribute. It frustrates me on so many levels, and the one that irks me the most is the flagrant disregard of the mantra issued in The Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal. Well, that is, unless you become financially successful, then we have to penalize you and redistribute your wealth.

Using the penalty logic, we could make the absurd argument that illegal aliens, making income and using services in this country, should be taxed at a higher rate than naturalized citizens. I'd no sooner have those words out of my mouth and most people would say that is racist. So why is it okay to be an income-ist? (Note: the spell check hated that new word, watch this one...). Washington is practicing income-ism. ( Hated that one too!) So how do you justify different tax rates for income or skin color? In America, you don't. We are all created equal and deserve equal protection under the law, that includes the tax law. Shame on you Washington!

If you want to "take" something from the wealthy and successful of this country and redistribute it, take something of use. Redistribute their work ethic! Or even better, redistribute the thinking they used to become exceptional! Now that would be something of value, and I dare say they might not find it as abusive of their God given rights. It's no secret they think differently, share that wealth, and change the entitlement attitude. That's far more valuable than any income you can tax them out of. That's why they call it a "wealth of information."

That my friends is a viable exit strategy to the "war on poverty." The battle we've been in for decades, and losing. Yet nary a word from our politicians about a plan to end this expensive battle. Yes, expensive...It's the information you don't know that costs you the most!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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