Friday, December 31, 2010

Be Resolved!

As we approach the dawn of a new year, and the true onset of a new decade, most of us will make a special effort to self deceive and set a goal for improvement. It's fantastic we can self correct and understand where our shortcomings lie, but it's also important to realize most of those New Year resolutions will fall woefully short of realization. Some will see that as failure, and if you quit rather than check and adjust your progress, you did fail. So in the paraphrased words of Churchill, "Never, never, never ever, never ever quit!"

Successful goal setting and ultimate achievement mandates that you aim for a horizon that truly stretches your limits. The worse thing you can do is aim low and hit the target! Example; setting a goal to wake before noon everyday. Although it's not something you can do with you eyes closed, it really doesn't challenge you. Setting a goal to rise before the sun, now there's a challenge with some teeth!

So face the new decade with a new vigor toward true self improvement, based on a foundation of checking your progress and adjusting for maximum return on your effort. Don't allow setbacks to dampen your resolve. Be aware that climbing toward a new horizon is going to be difficult, but then if it wasn't, wouldn't you have done it before? Remember the pain of staying the same is longer lasting and more persistent than the pain of change!

Have a safe and happy New Year, and see you in 2011!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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