Thursday, December 16, 2010

On The Fourth Day of Christmas.....

Yesterday's blog about the choleric personality was such a hit I thought I'd expound on the other three personalities. After all having a grasp on how people react is a critical part of our personal growth, especially when it's you doing the reacting! One of these four types is your dominate personality, not saying you can't have a secondary one, just one will stand out more than the rest.

We learned yesterday that the choleric is a strong willed, people skills impaired, get-er-done kind of person. The sanguine on the other hand is a direct contrast. They are all about the people, and the party. To balance the sanguine God gave us the melancholy. They are a an order driven, rule following, task oriented, and kind shy on the people skills side. Then there is the phlegmatic, not very motivated, friend to all. The phlegmatic's motto is,,,tomorrow's another day!

Now imagine you pulled up to a four way stop. On each corner was one of the personalities, well at least of a second they'd be there, because the choleric would take right off. They aren't concerned who's turn it was to go, those signs were stupid anyway, what moron put them there? They have things to do, people to see, and places to be. Those signs were just in their way, so they were ignored.

Now the sanguine on the other hand would take that as an opportunity to see if they knew anyone in the other cars at the intersection. They'd be busy checking out who was there and waving to those they knew, and trying to make friends with those they've not yet met. As long as there was a stream of cars and new people to wave at, they might never leave, making them late for their next appointment, or at least one of the reasons they were late. To them it's all about the people!

This in turn would frustrate the melancholy to no end. You see they need a sense of order,and would be totally frustrated if there was any deviation from that order. They are very likely to get out of the car and direct traffic until it was their turn. Then tool on down the road at the exact posted speed limit marveling at the orderly design, and the strict enforcement of the rules.

The phlegmatic would be the last to leave. They would insist everyone else go before them, after all they aren't on any schedule, and it's all about other people's feelings. They hate conflict and will do anything necessary to prevent that, including putting themselves last. They are friend to all and easy to get along with. Forever going with the flow. Everyone loves the phlegmatic! But one has to wonder how they got motivated to get off the couch in the first place?

As you can see each personality has strong and weak points, and they are all necessary parts of our life. Melancholies bring a sense of order to this crazy world. Those stop signs and speed limits are without a doubt designed by a melancholy. They make great doctors and teachers. You want a melancholy as a brain surgeon as they are very detail oriented. They sanguine teaches us to laugh at our selves. What a boring place this would be without the sanguine influence! The choleric is the personality you want at the helm in a time of high seas. They don't stress out under pressure, they just get the job done. And the loveable phlegmatic teaches us to tolerate and love one another, keep the conflict to a minimum, it's not necessary!

So on the fourth day of Christmas we give to you understanding of self!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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