Friday, January 29, 2010

State of Contempt!

I let everyone else weigh in on the President's State of the Union speech the other night, before I gave my input. Grandma always said it was best to sleep on an issue so you didn't react based on emotion. Besides, I got a good overview of what the pundits thought in the meantime. It seems like they're in a race to get their opinions out there, as if the first one wins. So after further review, and much deliberation, here's my take.

The State of the Union as I see it is; We as a nation are in big trouble. Now wait, that's not based on unemployment or any other issue, those can be solved. My opinion is based on the fact our President stood before the nation and misrepresented the facts. Our leadership is either totally out of touch with reality, or they are deliberately lying to us. Either way we have a problem with leadership.

The President tried to stand before us and exude posture, something a leader needs to do. The nation should have faith and believe in the leadership. That all goes out the window when facts are misrepresented or spun to fit the administrations needs. "Truth tampered with is truth lost,"(A.J.Nock) It is extremely apropos when defining the integrity needed to lead a nation.

So when a President is caught being a poser, his attempt at posture is revealed as arrogance. Arrogance breeds contempt, and people who hold you in contempt will never follow your lead. So anything this administration tries to offer to the American public will be viewed negatively. Any legislation passed will be considered forced upon us. With the country in this mind set, we as a nation, will lose hope for recovery. That was the effect of the State of the Union speech. Grandma had another wise saying,"Some things are best left unsaid."

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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