Saturday, January 30, 2010

Leadership or Disceivership?

Yesterday I touched on the missing key to turning this country around, leadership! People won't follow those who deceive, once that trust is violated the ability to lead is compromised. Obvious attempts to mislead or spin the truth like, "the stimulus money has saved or created two million jobs," leaves American citizens yearning for quality leadership. Let's take a closer look sat how far off base that statement is....

The administration itself is heard to say most of those jobs are teachers, firemen, and police officers who weren't laid off because the stimulus package supplied money to the state and local budgets to keep them employed. Now my readers are thinkers, I'm sure you all are wondering, as am I, when this year's state and local budget comes for approval; where is the money for their salaries for the next year going to come from? Is the federal government going to pass our tax dollars yet again to the states to keep these teachers, firemen, and police officers on the job?

You see there has been no recovery in the private sector. The taxed income of the private sector is what pays for these government jobs. The housing market is still in decline so there will be less property tax revenues to apply to paying for these services. Does anyone else foresee another spike in unemployment on the horizon?

Their plan to "stimulate" the economy is all built on a house of cards. The only true incentive to create jobs is to lower the tax base. Believe it or not, lower taxes creates more tax revenue. This is documented in the Laffer Curve. It proves that through out history lowering taxes increased the volume of money collected. More tax money = more government hiring, like those teachers, firemen, and policemen we all need and love.

But our current administration has a better idea, one also prove er mis-proven by history to work. Japan tried this and things just got worse. I know President Obama is aware of it, he quoted the historical name for Japan's economic failure in his speech the other night. "The Lost Decade", is not a term for our last nine years but a reference to Japan's economic failure in the 90's.

With their apparent arrogance and deaf ear to our will, they trod on with their agenda like a bull in a china shop. And when their plan is not effective, they choose to lie to us.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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