Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Special Delivery Telegram!

A special delivery message has been sent to Washington....

Dear progressive movement,STOP!
America is tired of your politics,STOP!
We don't want universal health care,STOP!
We don't want cap and trade,STOP!
We don't like your foreign policy,STOP!
Your agenda doesn't reflect our will, STOP!
The American Voters

So let's see if the intellectuals can understand plain English. Anybody want to bet me some don't get the message? There are people all across this great nation getting their pick-up trucks and campaigns ready. We are tired of being insulted and being called astro-turf. They ignored the Tea Party demonstrations, but they can't ignore the races in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.

Look for a big struggle in the Democratic Party. Progressive's have hijacked their agenda, and traditional Democrats are in jeopardy of joining the unemployed. Traditional, JFK style Democrats are not bad people, they are all about blue collar workers and the will of the people. The Progressive agenda is quite the contrary. They believe they know what's best for us and want to fundamentally change our system so they can dictate how we live. Big government and control is their message.If they can't control you, they'll tax you into submission. I can't help but think they live on the wrong continent.

A blow for liberty was struck yesterday, right where it all began. Massachusetts! How fitting! Never underestimate American's love for freedom, and the lengths we will go to, to preserve it. You can't help but be proud of how well the system works. We're on the right track, let's not take the foot off the gas!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. 2010 people 1 progressive's NADA!! CERO!!
    viva la Republica po!po!po!

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
