Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lowering Your Stress Level!

Part of being effective in life is daring to step outside your comfort zone. Facing your fears is a risky task but a necessary one if you wish to be successful. The recipe for overcoming any obstacle is action. Confronting that which consumes your thoughts leads to knowledge. One way or another you have renewed input on that which you fear, and a sense of whether it's a real issue of concern, or just something that captures your thoughts. That knowledge applied toward your fear is power over that which distresses you.


How many times have we all faced a phone call that we were hesitant to make? After making that call wasn't there a sense of relief? Why did we put it off? 99% of the time the result was a positive one, yet we procrastinated and let it bother us for gosh knows how long. In the immortal words of Larry the Cable Guy, "Git 'er done." Put that stress behind you. Step outside your comfort zone and confront those fears. I'll betcha your pleasantly surprised at the results, and I know your mind will be at ease having that behind you.

Why are we cautious about stepping into the unknown? Fear! So let me ask you; who controls your life? Is it you behind the wheel or are you driven by your fears? The fastest way to melt your fears, lower your stress level, and live a happier life is to confront them. Reality is a wonderful weapon! There is no better way to access the threat level, if one truly exists, than to confront and evaluate. All the phlegmatic's just ran to the closet in terror.

For all those with a choleric personality, I dare you to confront your fears. If your a melancholy personality, put your life in order and get those challenges in their proper place. For all you sanguine's....well, avoiding the issue doesn't make it go away, life will be happiest and more exciting with those fears off your plate. If your personality is dominated by the phlegmatic trait, we can face this together and once it's over with, you can go back to your non confrontational, stress free, everyone's happy life!

Give happiness a chance, get that which bothers you, behind you! With your plate clear of needless worry there will be more time for the quality things. You know...The stuff you enjoy!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

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