Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fundamentally Un-Changing America!

Well, well, we are less than 12 hours away from fundamentally UN-changing America. Who would have thought, once again, The State of Massachusetts would begin a revolution for independance. Today's special election is as significant to this country's freedom as the shot heard around the world, April 19,1775.

Just like the odds facing a Republican candidate running for a Senate seat in the land of the Democrats, the Massachusetts band of renegades, seventy in all, took on the British forces. Seven hundred of the King's highly trained marksmen were embarrassed by some farmers and squirrel hunters, with a cause. How can you not love the possibility of history repeating itself. Voters with a cause, are about to dictate to the tyrants in Washington; we don't want your antics. If the Republican wins this election it will certainly be a shot heard at least as far as Washington, let freedom ring! What a great time to be a Massachusetts voter!

The funny part is the ammo the British, er, Democrats are using to defend themselves. They put their best marksman up to shoot, (President Obama), and we get..... "Scott Brown is driving around in a pickup truck." This is the shot he takes. So I was trying to figure out the slam; Is he trying to say people in pick-ups are ignorant? This is their usual attack if they can't vilify the opponent they paint them as ignorant,(see Sarah Palin). Well that kind of attack brings to mind just one question. If Mr Brown is so dumb, why's he drawn the attention of the Whitehouse, and changed the President's agenda to include campaigning for a candidate he didn't have in his schedule? Just food for thought....

Regardless of the outcome, it makes me proud. Voters are crossing part lines to salvage the freedom we were granted by our forefather's sacrifice. America understands that the secular progressive's agenda of "fundamentally changing America" is polar opposite of the founding father's mission statement. This is our version of "hope and change."

God Bless!
Capt. Bill


  1. Some AMERICANS are be herd today soon we will all be herd.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...............................I MAN
