Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Something for US!

Every once in a while we have to step back and work on ourselves. I found this great piece called The Art of Getting Along......

Sooner or later, a man, if he is wise discovers life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take. He learns that it doesn't pay to be too sensitive a soul, that he should let some things go over his head like water off a duck's back. He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses out, that all men have burnt toast for breakfast now and then, and that he shouldn't take the other fellow's grouch too seriously.

He learns that carrying a chip on his shoulder is the easiest way to get into trouble, the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry tales of gossip about others, that passing the buck always turns into a boomerang, and that it doesn't matter who gets the credit so long as the job gets done.

He learns that most others are as ambitious as he, that they have brains as good or better, that hard work, not cleverness is the secret to success. He learns no man ever gets to first base alone, and that only through cooperative effort that we move on to better things.

Thought for the day........................

Blessed are those who laugh at themselves! They shall never cease to be amused!
Chinese proverb

God Bless
Capt. Bill


  1. Thanks Capt for reminding us that we have to take a step back and start over sometimes. Well everyday. Wise people see their mistakes and work to improve them. You are a wise man. Thanks for reminding us to look at ourself daily.

  2. Thank you CAPTAIN for your words of IRON for your words point out the IRON in my self.
    I've learnd the meaning of peace and it start with being at peace with your self first.
    Being at peace with your self give you the edge to step back and look at who you are and where your going.
    Are you at peace with your self ??.

    Thank you for you time.
    ..........................I MAN
