Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Art of Communication!

One down, more to go. With the resignation of Van Jones from his czarship, we have to move on to the next questionable advisor who has the president's ear. Mark Lloyd, FCC diversity czar. It's hard to focus on exactly where to bring the fight as the advisors are just so out there, but this one deserves immediate attention. His claim to fame is to violate the first amendment, that pesky little insert that insures the right to free speech.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Like I'm doing here. Now I'm not sure where the need for a "Diversity Czar" came into play but apparently now we have one. Talk about a place to cut the budget! I'm thinking his job description is to create a level playing field for minorities to own or have use of the airways. His agenda speaks to a different calling. Let's meet this player!

Lloyd is far more than merely a communications attorney. He was at one time a Senior Fellow at the uber-liberal Center for American Progress. You might remember them as the radical left wing think tank that insists we live in a socialist country. This guy praises Hugo Chavez's takeover of the media in Venezuela. And his plan is to set out rules, content rules for diversity and fairness on the air -- and if a radio station fails to meet those rules, they must pay a fine of 100% of their operating budget that year. Well, that puts you out of business. If you have to pay a fine equal to 100% of your operating budget it puts you out of business. the fine money would then go to The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, go to NPR. Because they are adjudged to be fair because they are public radio. This guy has been very open and honest about what he wants to do. He's written a book, he's written articles about it and he's made speeches about it. Or to put it plainly, a new tactic to implement the "Fairness Doctrine"

A short history on the "Fairness Doctrine." It was designed to ensure balance on the airwaves,if a conservative got airtime, opposing views received equal airtime. Bottom line is they are trying to find a way to have the unpopular liberal viewpoint heard. It was tried with the introduction of "Air America" the liberal version of talk radio, but it appears it wasn't popular for the advertisers as liberals are always looking for the government to pay for everything, keeping their money in their pockets. Government already sponsors NPR, National Public Radio,(Sounds kind of communistic doesn't it?), already in violation of the first amendment in my mind. They conceal the public financial support for liberal media from taxes as an endowment for the arts. Here's a thought, make your programming entertaining, then it'll be profitable!

Media is in trouble, Internet and content is their bane, not equal time or diversity. No one want to pay for a newspaper or support sponsors of a radio or TV program that is boring and unpopular. Where is the investigative reporting? Pssst, it's on the Internet and on conservative TV/ talk radio. Journalists have decided to become lazy and reprint spoon fed news releases. The last thing they investigated was the buffet at the White House Press briefing. Find the story you'll find the readers/listeners!

How does Lloyd fit into this? His dream is to control content on the airwaves. A key to a socialist agenda. They are undermining our liberty and attempting to control our media. The same outcry needs to be applied here as America did to Van Jones, the Green Job Czar. He answers only to the President, for now. Considering all the questionable decisions this administration has already made in it's short term, isn't it time we took back Washington?

God Bless
Capt. Bill
P.S. Wanna bet you don't hear about this guy on mainstream media?

1 comment:

  1. People across America we cannot stop calling our Congressmen or Senators 202-224-3121.
    No one is reporting this today they are going to confirm Cass Sunstein.
    Cass Sunstein??
    Go to Cass Sunstein .com
    This guy wants the change the second amendment.
    Bet he's got your attention now.
    222) 224-3121 call and let them know your not giving up any more of your freedom and tell them NO! to any Czar or what you see as losing your freedom.
    This is a fight we have to win and we can win it by speaking out DAILY not just one time.
    Do as they do overwhelm the system by calling every day.
    Overwhelm the system and they will slow down or stop but slow it down until we can take our country back from the radicals.
    222) 224-3121
    Lets support the 9/12 project.
    How by finding out where they will be having their gathering in your city this Saturday or if you can go to Wasington D.C.. this weekend.
    The key to slowing/stopping them is NUMBERS and we have the NUMBERS so keep calling everyday.

    Thank you for your time.
    .........................I MAN
