Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health Scare

Let me pose a question to everyone who humbles me by reading this blog. Who do you think wrote the health care bills proposed in Washington? I had to sit back and think about that one. After much deliberation I realized no elected official on the hill had the know how to produce the 1000 pages of legal jargon disguised as HR 3200, which would explain why no one can explain the contents. Here's who introduced this behemoth....
July 14,2009
Mr. DINGELL (for himself, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. STARK, Mr. PALLONE, and Mr. ANDREWS) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Education and Labor, Oversight

I've heard these men speak, they're not qualified. I challenge one of them to explain in detail the bill they authored. Better yet, just give me an intelligent overview. I propose they're taking credit for someone else's work. That begs the question....Who? Well a great way to address this question is to find out who benefits from this legislation, or as my new friend Art Jonak says, "Follow the money." That job used to be handled by the media. That's the industry that's begging Washington for handouts because no one will buy their newspapers or watch their version of the evening news. Maybe people would rely on you if you actually investigated? Just a thought...

So lets look at the players and what they have to gain.

Doctors;. No big win for them here. They are already underpaid, overworked, and slaughtered by malpractice insurance premiums. They'd face a larger work load and I just don't see an upside for them.

Hospitals; Not so much. Relieves the emergency room pressure, and nonpayment issues but forced to accept lower payment for services. Not a lick of relief for malpractice, their biggest overhead.

Lawyers; Without tort reform they will see an upswing in legal claims. So I can see them promoting this agenda.

Pharmaceutical Companies: They made their deal already. Sacrificed some profit and funded ad campaigns for support of this legislation to avoid the flow of cheaper drugs into the US from other countries. They are in bed with this but not a high pressure player.

Unions: Well 50/50 for them. Government insurance cripples one of their entitlements to members. Why would one need a union to negotiate health benefits if they are provided by Uncle Sam? Upside, providing for members may get less expensive. They are in bed, but just to fill the tank for other agenda issues.

John Q Public; Not by a long shot. Your taxes are going to fund this entitlement. Most of America has health coverage, and most of us are happy with it. We will be handed the bill. The best healthcare system in the world might be ruined. JQP is not a big fan!

State Government; Medicare and medicaid has just about sunk every state budget. Now the proposal is for the states to handle more of the medicare/medicaid burden. As you can imagine not very popular with any fiscally responsible state governor.

Washington DC; Here's one of your culprits. They usurped the power granted them in the Constitution by creating these entitlement programs . Politicians are challenging the sovereignty of our nation financially. This will give them a whole new pool of money to misappropriate not unlike they did with the excess Social Security funds. How to fund programs without raising taxes? Dip into the slush fund.They are deeper into your pocket under the guise of medical security.

Secular Progressive Left Wingers; Bingo! Another entitlement to pander for votes from the uninformed and system abusers. Also there are time bombs buried in the bill set to go off and limit your freedom at a later date, enhancing government control at your expense. I'm here to propose they've assembled a network that includes a think tank to author legislation, outside capitol hill, to further the agenda. Does anyone believe Charlie Rangel is capable of this type of legalese? He can't even properly report income after 3 revisions. What we have are puppets, controlled by special interests, and funded by left wing radicals to do their bidding.

I encourage you to go to Utube and watch Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo. It's broken into parts but it's a must see video.

God Bless
Capt. Bill


1 comment:

  1. The Apollo project wrote the health care bill.
    Guess who sit on bored of the Apollo project.
    Yes that's right Van Jones and the rest of the progressive radical obama clan.
    Who are the rest of the people who sit on that bored??
    Don't take my word for it go to the Apollo project .com and you will see who they are.

    Thank you for your time.
    ......................................I MAN
