Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Color Blind

I'd like to elaborate on yesterday's topic. It's important to understand as long as we see things through a colored lense racism will never go away. Painting every topic with a white, brown, red, yellow, or black brush just complicates the issue. While we are all responsible, the media is a strong promoter of the race card. In an effort to describe people, skin color is generally the adjective they use. Politicians are also big time offenders. They seek sympathy votes by appealing to a class of people defined by skin color. It's not uncommon to hear them pander to an ethnic group. The ignorance of defining people by race is a major setback for the United States.

A Congresswoman from California was recently all over the news for saying during a town hall meeting that there were people who wanted the President to fail because he looked like her. Now since Obama isn't a woman, we have to assume she was referring to the color of her skin. How is that productive? It's a classic example of the victim mentality. People oppose the President because of his agenda, it has nothing to do with his skin color. Yet it's easier to play the victim and blame oppression of a race rather than faulty policy. How does that type of ignorance get elected to a position of leadership? When leaders promote ignorance the pack isn't far behind.

That's just one example in a slew of many. Nations embroiled in war and poverty is where this type of ignorance flourish. World powers have moved beyond racism. Why do we still embrace it? Because it's an excuse for those who fail. Assign blame to others, and your guilt free for doing a shoddy job, or committing a crime. Playing the race card promotes the lack of accountability, it's childish. Every American is responsible, just by letting ignorant racist statements stand unchallenged. It's our job to hold them accountable. Question those statements with boldness. Ask why they pass accountability off to skin color. Confronting ignorance is the first step to overcoming it. Most important send leaders who see things through colored lenses to the unemployment line, it's where victims belong.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an identity issues.
    First obama is NOT! black and he's NOT! white.
    So what is he.
    MOLATO! is a mix of black and white.
    Where I was borne your ether lite skin or dark skin NO! colors NOT! black or white one people.
    The people where I was born chose not to be victims.
    There is NO! issue with racism there because it's not a political strategy to make it one.
    But here in AMERICAN it's a political strategy to use racism they tell people your a victim cause of your skin color.
    Don't insult my intelligence but you know what some people are that stupid and let them selves be used as the victim.
    These people a so ignorant they don't see that they are robbing them selves of there own dignity and identity as AMERICANS.
    It's a political strategy to have racism here in AMERICA.
    Next time you hear the issue of racism see who's mount it's coming out of nooooo! not a politician.
    It's all a game to them of getting votes

    If you see your self as the victim then you are one.

    Thank you for your time.

    ...................................I MAN
