Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dire Straits

England's economy is in dire straits, (some of you will get that on the way home), apparently their national debt is rising at a rate of 6000 pounds per second, about $9816.00 US. They have a population of approximately 60 million people about 1/5 of the United States. Per capita they actually are worse off then we are financially. To the point where many of their conservative politicians are very concerned their economy is going to collapse. Wanna know why? Anybody want to bet me it's not their participation in the war in Iraq?

It's not! England has become a nanny state with cradle to grave entitlements, led by....Health care for all. People debate where it actually falls but the state run health care system in England is either the 3rd or the 5th largest employer in the world. Most of that is administration (Government). They are behind China's Red Army, India's rail transportation system (Both have populations exceeding a billion), America's armed forces, Wal-mart, then the 1.3 million people employed by England for health care. Please note there a very few doctors and nurses on this payroll as they are in short supply there. Nope, all this is bureaucracy. Government paid employees meant to oversee and distribute this entitlement. Does this set off any alarms with you?

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that CHANGE!"

    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
