Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yesterday we dipped our toe into the world of secular progressivism. I defined progressivism but neglected to introduce you to the secular part. See below...

Secularism is the state of being separate from religion.[1] Despite occasional confusion, secularism is not necessarily synonymous with atheism nor agnosticism, it is instead the belief that religion and authority should be separate.[citation needed]
For instance, eating and bathing may be regarded as examples of secular activities, because there may not be anything inherently religious about them. Nevertheless, both eating and bathing are regarded as sacraments in some religious traditions, and therefore would be religious activities in those worldviews. Saying a prayer derived from religious text or doctrine, worshipping through the context of a religion, and attending a religious school are examples of religious (non-secular) activities. Prayer and meditation are not necessarily non-secular, since the concept of spirituality and higher consciousness are not married solely to any religion but are practiced and arose independently across a continuum of cultures, however it may be argued that these practices have arisen as a result of religious (non-secular) influence.

SP's, as we nicked named secular progressives in yesterday's blog, seek the total exclusion of religion in our government. Despite the founding fathers framing our entire infrastructure on the basis of a Judeo-Christian philosophy. Religion is a major stumbling block to their agenda, it defines moral absolutes and a conduct of behavior. This is like the bucket of water to the wicked witch of the west in The Wizard of Oz. Sp's insist on self expression void of guidelines.

Sp's are quick to point out when a conservative or opposing view point fails to live up to the code of morals defined by every religion. Yet they are mired with corruption, incest, and every questionable act known to man. Sp's are well versed in holding the opposition accountable to the standards the set. To adapt religion would restrain their self expression and require them to have guidelines. Sp's dance outside moral restraints to further their agenda, after all it's for the cause, principles be damned. They are masters of the means justifies the ends theory.

So basically our internal terrorists are a ruthless bunch with no morals or scruples. The war we fight to maintain our liberties has enemies with no code of conduct. The alarming part is the number of them who have infiltrated public office, including the nation's highest position!

A select few are realizing the compromised position we've place ourselves into. You see them at town hall meeting's, standing up and waving their fists. When was the last time you saw grandma so angry? Secular Progressive's prey on the elderly, the poor, and the youth. They are the most vulnerable and open to entitlements. SP's made a grievous mistake when they attempted to mess with grandma's healthcare. Especially when she spent a lifetime paying hard earned dollars into the Medicaid/Medicare fund. They might have well as taken Jr.'s Xbox. The positive is, it woke a sleeping giant. We now know our freedom is threatened and it's time for action.

The next few posts will define the enemy, who the players are, what to look for, and what their motives are. My prayer is that I can do this justice and grease the wheels that will crush this Obamination.<- Now that's funny!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where to begin as there are so many thing's I see them changing aka taking my freedom your freedom.
    How the hell do they get rights and law changed.
    When I was in school we said a prayer before we began the day.
    They took that away.
    There was a cross in the hill's of San Diego for year's / decades.
    They got that removed.
    In a court house building in south that had the Ten Commandment in it.
    That was removed.
    There was a time where you could pray in public.
    Now you can't.
    The president when to pray in church.
    Not any more.
    Now they want to remove GOD from our foundation.
    From ALL federal buildings, from our judicial system, from our money.
    One of the core foundation of this country was freedom of religion for EVERYONE !.
    What their are trying to do is brain wash us little by little.
    Then they will break us by taking our hope and faith.
    When a man loses his HOPE and FAITH he's lost every thing even the will to live.
    And when that happens you have become a number.
    Big brother is here right now and people like the CAPTAIN are doing their best to ring the alarm.
    Can you hear the alarm ringing all around you.
    Keep you eyes open for what's right in front of you, you don't see.
    Hear what you hear for they will tell you, you didn't hear when you did.
    Stand up and ( TELL ) them enough.
    Enough! of taking my / you're freedom.
    ENOUGH !

    Thank you for your time.
    .....................................I MAN
