Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Round and Round the Numbers Go!

I was directed to this web site yesterday, it's not for people with a weak stomach. If you get motion sickness please take a Dramamine or Bonine before visiting.


I'll summarize... Our nation debt is $11,731,926,112,709, by the time I typed it, it's increased $3,000,000. Everyone of us currently owes $38,182.

Our current tax revenue is just over 1.3 trillion/ year, but we are spending 2.5 trillion/ year. Note: These figures are moving quickly, they were current when I typed them, but already out of date.

The unfunded liabilities are the biggie. They are what we are going to owe for promised pay outs to Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare entitlements. $58 trillion and rising so fast I cannot type the numbers quick enough. Each citizen currently owes $191,840

The next time someone suggests we fund another entitlement program, I suggest we tell them...
Your already $230,000.00 in the hole. As soon as you make good on "your" debt we can consider your proposal, as you've already "maxed out" your credit limit. We are fast and loose while spending future generation's money.

I think this illustrates why the Federal Government feels health care needs reform. $39 billion is the number they put on medicare fraud alone for this year. That's a great place to start! If you want to reign in this debt, let's start with the fraud and waste. Spending $100 billion a year for 10 years will accomplish nothing but another trillion in debt and more unfunded liabilities.

Creating a health care program and spending $100 billion/year is like buying a vending machine to dispense soda in your home for a fee trying to save money. You collect the price of the soda yet have invested money in the machine and the electricity to run it at no profit, and the money going in is already yours. We need to stop the people taking the soda for free! Take away the keys to the machine!

Ditch the bill. Address fraud and waste. I agree the entitlement programs former administrations have illegally put into place to win votes are our biggest threat. The only answer is to eliminate them, or make them cost effective. There isn't a politician born that has the spine to eliminate them, so we have to run them efficiently!

While entitlements are deemed as a "moral" obligation, the government has no authority to dictate morals. Isn't it funny the legislators who abhor the melding of religion and government are the quickest to point out what is morally right? It's always the politicians with the loosest morals dictating our moral compass! Distribution of money for moral causes is the responsibility of charity's, and church.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. 8 months and look what this country looks like.
    And you think things are bad now.
    Don't make me laugh!
    There's another 3 years and 4 months to go.

    Thank you for you time.
    ..........................I MAN
