Saturday, August 1, 2009

Apply Liberally

The diagnosis of the left wing disease is complicated but there is one outstanding theme. Liberals all suffer from the condition that innate objects are the downfall of society! Man, or woman is never responsible for any of the suffrage to the citizens of the United States of America, but everything else is, and they will tax or legislate it so it cannot hurt us! Examples....

The dastardly cigarette! Hey, I'm not a smoker but let's look at this one closely! Cigarettes cause cancer! Really? Unlit those little devils are basically harmless, but we tax cigarettes to "control" cancer. Perhaps they should tax the ignition source! When you get right down to it the human (smoker) is the guilty party. But their constituents wouldn't back a tax on a citizen, not when we can blame the cigarette.They rational-LIES a tax on smokers by taxing cigarettes.

This same logic bleeds over to gun "control". Is it me or is there a control theme here? We need to "control" guns. Now correct me if I'm wrong but a gun by itself has never loaded on it's own nor has it pulled it's own trigger. So aren't they in fact looking to "control" gun owners? Instead of pointing the finger at behavior of man liberals shift the blame to an inanimate object. It sells better on the campaign trail. Besides no one would elect a politician with "control" issues. They need to legislate guns, because they are the problem.

Gasoline is taxed to "control" energy consumption. Alcohol is taxed to "control" alcoholism.

Liberals want to legislate wall street to "control" profits. Isn't it the humans that profit? Wall street is a sign on the corner in New York City. Aren't they looking to "control" income earned by you the citizen? First thing out of the liberal's mouth when bonuses were paid to bailed out companies was: We're going to tax that income, to "control" a bonus strategy they didn't agree with.

Prayer was removed from school so government's "control" wasn't challenged. Liberal policy can't be subject to challenge by ethics, morals, or common sense. They might lose "control" if America had moral absolutes to guide the voters. How would the corruption and sex scandals be tolerated in Washington if our citizens were guided by a moral compass? Religion in schools would upset the plan to un-educate our youth and compromise the supply of needy voters. Removing prayer insures an acceptance of bad behavior for future balloters. How can they hold politicians accountable if they never learn what is morally acceptable based on Judeo-Christian faith? Our forefathers framed our country on these principles.

The final attack on our nation by the liberals is as ugly as they come. Liberals define the citizens of this great nation with a bias, we are treated differently, and some are discriminated against. If this bias was because of the color of our skin or a physical handicap people would rise up against the liberal cause. But alas no, we are not victims of that type of discrimination, we're a victim of class discrimination. We have the poor, the working poor, the middle class, and the wealthy. Doesn't it sound a lot like the class system in India? We are treated differently because of our income. The successful people in our country are vilified and forced to pay a higher tax rate then everyone else. "We'll tax the rich" is the liberal cry. Why are the rules different for some people and not others? Isn't this directly against the principles this country was founded upon? Aren't all men created equal as defined in the constitution? The wealthy are a minority in this nation, between 1% and 5% of our population. If your seeking votes, isn't it wise to pander to the poor and needy. Just make them promises of free goods and services and your a shoe in! That's why liberals pander to the poor, it's their election base. They go out of the way to make sure we have a never ending supply of poor, starting with illegal immigration and ending with a faulty education system designed to teach you to get a job, not success principles. They attack religion because it aids the poor and takes away the cause they champion, they want to be the sole provider of goods and services, that's what gets votes and insures"control".

Every time you get a pay check your reminded of the great contributions the liberals have made to our society .Federal income tax, brought to you by the left wing liberals. Then there is the next deduction, social security tax, brought to you by the left wing liberals. Medicaid and medicare tax, more socialist reform brought to you by the left, and deducted from your pay. Chances are if you live in a state with a state income tax it was imposed by the left wing democrats. Every dime removed from your pocket on payday is compliments of the left wing movement, the democrats of this nation. You have less of the money you earned, and they have more "control." We've become numb to this, because we've felt we've lost "control". We've accepted taxation as a way of life, the amount is all we argue with, because we feel have no choice. When you have no choice, you have no freedom. Liberal policies are an attack on your choices, they are trying to limit your freedom. I choose to make a difference, stand tall and demand our liberty back!

God Bless
Capt. Bill


  1. Capt. Capt. Capt. Liberals? how can you say that when everybody on earth know that it's BUSH'S fault for all that is wrong in our world.
    Any way if it wasn't BUSH then it mush have been DICK' CHENEY. OR CARL ROVE OR SCOOTER LIBBY.
    Everyone know's that so get your fact's right you know we're all not stupid.
    The Liberal's then only want to take our freedom and I have to say there doing a good job of that.

    Thank you for your time.
    ....................................I MAN

  2. I missed this one and it's the best one yet.
    The Health Insurance Companies.
    There bad guy's it's there fault too'
    Just look at what they did to Michael.
    Oh my then there's Wall Street.
    How about right wing radio or even the Capt. for doing there best to wake you up.
    You know I think it's time to take there freedom away and shut them up.
    Sweet dreams the alarm of lost freedom will wake you up.
    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
