Friday, August 7, 2009

A Call to Arms!

My apologies to the followers who use facebook and twitter as the link to the blog. They were both hacked yesterday and down during the time I was trying to provide the link. Welcome back!

I never intended this to be a political blog. My goal was to have a good mix of politics, leadership, personal growth, and religion, everything that is taboo to talk about at a party. Alas, the times have dictated and dominated a political discussion. America's voters are beginning to realize we are in a fight for the freedom we've taken for granted. Our last voting cycle was riddled with ignorance and apathy, voters weren't informed and some just didn't care. Now we have a 20 ring circus in Washington trying to extract the freedom our forefathers gave to us as an inheritance. They say second and third generation rule and wealth usually ruin the institutions bequeathed to them. History has proven that time and time again. It's now our fight to prove that theory wrong and show we value the gift of freedom.

It's imperative we understand the foe, I've been guilty of calling them democrats, liberals, or the left. They need to be redefined, the term for the movement is secular progressive's or SP's. They inhabit our political system and our news media. They are led and funded by billionaire media mogul George Soros, defended by the ACLU, and muscle is supplied by ACORN and SEIU. Secular progressive's have infiltrated the justice system controlling the ninth district court of appeals. They have many in political office starting with President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and a host of others, including Barney Frank, and Henry Waxman. All powerful political leaders. They all exude an arrogance, portraying they know what's best for us and the hell with our opinions, their agenda overrides our feelings.

Wikipedia defines Progressivism as...
Progressivism is a political and social term that refers to ideologies and movements favoring or advocating changes or reform, usually in a statist or egalitarian direction for economic policies (government management) and liberal direction for social policies (personal choice). Progressivism is often viewed in opposition to conservative ideologies.

In the United States, the term progressivism emerged in the late 19th century into the 20th century in reference to a more general response to the vast changes brought by industrialization: an alternative to both the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues and to the various more radical streams of socialism and anarchism which opposed them. Political parties, such as the Progressive Party, organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism made great strides under American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.[1]

Notice the terms anarchism and socialism. Don't be confused, these people want a communist like government because progressivism knows what's best for you. I'm going to break down my blog into segments explaining the movement in detail so we can grasp how dire this situation is. It's imperative we understand their game plan and their motives. I'm convinced this is a home grown terrorist attack and the most serious threat to our freedom we've ever faced. I just pray my series of future blogs does this threat justice.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Captain ! we have them running scared good work some of us are speaking out.
    Now some of us are old enough to remember the 1968 Chicago democrat convention.
    The progressive at the time had the people beat up those that where speaking out against them at there convention.
    The voters saw that.
    Now in 2009 there doing it again beating up the people.
    The voter YOU! see what's going on.
    In 1969 they got the police to beat the people.
    In 2009 they called out the BROWN SHIRTS to beat and keep the people in line.
    The BROWN SHIRT are obama's SS.
    I sent a e-mail to falg@whitehosue and was nerves to send it.
    Then I thought I'm scared should I send this what about if they come and get me.
    Then I woke up I live in AMERICA and I have a right to have my voice heard.
    When you afraid of you government you've lost your freedom.
    I'M ! NOT ! AFRAID !
    I LIVE IN AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE not the land of the tyranny.
    Please don't let them take my country your country.
    Stand up for your right's of freedom.
    Captain keep it coming outstanding word of IRON.

    Thank you for your time.
    ....................................I"M NOT SCARED ( I MAN )
