Thursday, August 6, 2009


I've have to start by offering my congratulations to my mentor and friend Orrin Woodward for his recognition as one of the top 25 leaders in the world!

Orrin and fellow author Chris Brady have also announced their latest book release. Leadership and Liberty is the title. What a timely topic! Their last book Launching the Leadership Revolution was #1 on the Wall Street Journal best seller business list for weeks. See for more information.

Things in Washington are getting screwy. I can't remember a more challenging time in our history. Our freedom and liberty are being threatened by out of control government. The White House has even begun a web site to report suspicious e-mails, anything anti-health reform! We move closer to the big brother government of communism everyday. I'm going to pass on some great reading I recommend so you are armed with information to protect your freedom!

Tyranny and Liberty-Mark Levin

An Inconvenient Truth- Glenn Beck

Culture of Corruption-Michelle Malkin

Common Sense- Glenn Beck

The 5000 Year Leap- Cleon Skousen

Liberal Fascism- Jonah Goldberg

All eye opening reading, most of them have had a spot on the New York Times bestseller list. Information applied is power. Please invest in your future and understand what we all need to know! Then apply the information. If there is a town hall meeting in your area, take the time to make your voice heard. If your shy just agree with any points made with a- here, here. Or express your disgust with a boo, you don't have to get up and speak, just be in attendance and support what you believe in!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Last night I did a bad thing I what most of you say is being a rat.
    But I'm not a rat I'm a patriot.
    Here a list of the people I know are lying about the health care plan.
    First and the Biggest liars.
    1) barack obama,
    2) nancy polosi.
    3) joe biden,
    4) chuck shcumers,
    5) barnie franks,
    6) chris dodd,
    7) harry reed,
    8) barbra boxer,
    9) henry waxman
    10) Linda Douglass,
    11)David Axelrod
    12)Robert Gibbs
    If all of us report these people guys as for what they are LYER'S we can crash there web site.
    Remember one at a time is how we can win.

    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
