Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Did You Ever Wonder???

One of the powers the Constitution does grant the Federal Government is to "make regular",or regulate interstate commerce. The power granted was designed to insure (word play) that there were no tariffs or taxes between the states, or to promote interstate trade. I find it hilarious that after they put a spin on this and abuse it every way possible yet the Federal Government has yet to use it properly. I.E. Promoting interstate health insurance to increase competition.

Critics might say that some states enjoy lower health costs because of demographics. Overpopulation by the two neediest insurance age groups could cause health care costs to be higher by state. Not so! Comparing state by state 60 to 63% of all states population fall outside of the highest demand categories, very young, and very old. They are all incredibly close, I was surprised! I was sure Florida and say Arizona would lead the packs, They were higher than some but only by a percentage point and the youth factor off set it. So age concerns are a moot point!

As it stands now insurance companies need to have a physical presence in the state and meet their standards for benefits to do business there. Hence the Blue Cross of (choose your state) business titles, and their lack of cooperation between each other. Also different states have benefit requirements, like your base policy has to cover say, aroma therapy, podiatry, and perhaps acupuncture. Driving up the cost of a policy. Take the most stringent state guidelines and if a company meets them allow interstate competition. Why keep an insurance company state specific? Seems like a no brainer here, and one of the simplest fixes for lowering the cost of health care in our nation....The Federal Government doing the job as specified by our forefathers!

Now here's the big question. Since every state enjoys a working age population of 60% to 63%, and the over 65 crowd,(retirement age) demographic varies between 11% to 16%. Why is Social Security in the red? The income earning social security tax paying group is 5 times greater than those eligible to draw on the system. It should be self supporting! Even taking into account the unemployment rate of 9.5%, contributors still outweigh check receivers 5 to 1.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. If you do some research and go back to the early 70's you'll find that the same people who are telling you the system is broken are the ones who cause the problem.
    The liberals cause the system to collapse intentionally then blame someone else.
    This way they can get you to believe there are the only ones who want to help you.
    Ted Kennedy is one of the Authors who helped screw up the health care system.
    There was nothing wrong with our health care system until in the early 70's then they had to fix it cause again they know what's best for you, you don't!.
    Do the research and find out for your self.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
