Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And One Last Word!

A great big "Thank You" to authors Orrin Woodward, and Chris Brady for remembering me in their new book, Leadership and Liberty-Pieces of the Puzzle. You guys sure know how to make a guy blush! It's a spectacular read and destined to hit the top of the list like it's predecessor, Launching the Leadership Revolution. Keep them coming guys!

Man, if I ever go on another five day rant somebody stop me! This secular progressive subject has been beaten to death, so here is the final installment. We've looked at the money, the muscle, the media, the ideology, and now we pull it all together with the elected officials.

You have to start at the top, Mr. President. Has anyone else noticed since the election and the Reverend Wright incident President Obama hasn't seen the inside of a church? I find it funny that such a devout Christian would abandon his faith, well at least in public. I'm thinking he doesn't want to anger his secular progressive left wing supporters, who believe strongly in separation of church and state. Obama sat down with George Soros early in his bid for presidency and gained his financial support. Soros wasn't stupid he had two horses in the race, Hillary was on his plate as well. When it became clear Obama would win the nomination Soros pulled his strings activating his social network. Smear bloggers attacked Mc Cain, ACORN pounded the streets registering voters, (they have been charged with fraud for this and that investigation is far from over), SEIU and ACORN organized fund raisers and rallies, the media got on board, Hollywood used their fame to throw support to the Soros selection, and donations were funneled through small organizations to the campaign. Soros insisted his pride and joy David Axlerod manage the campaign and the ball was rolling. We have a secular progressive in the White House.His supporting cast is incredible Here's a list of standout SP's!

Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, Henry Waxman, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer, Charley Rangel, Joe Biden, and Linda Douglass, Rob Emanuel, his brother Ezekiel Emanuel, David Axlerod, and every czar he's appointed. That's a powerful cast in the government, and I know I've missed some. That list isn't anywhere near complete. Four of the nine supreme court judges are of the SP belief. You'll notice the names listed are in the most powerful seats in congress overseeing almost every committee. Everyone of them have a following, I love to watch them walk around with their entourage in tow. The exception is Barney Frank, everyone seems to avoid him.He's a party of one, I can't help but wonder why?

What I love about this country is every voice can be heard, even the movements designed to limit or take away the freedoms we enjoy. My prayer is I've been able to convey we can't afford to ignore this philosophy anymore. Right now they enjoy move power and leverage than ever. If we don't wake up and realize the power has been handed to secular progressive politicians who core beliefs are directly opposite of the founding fathers, we could find our freedoms a memory.

Tomorrow we'll find a happier topic!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Captain some of us are awake now lets wake up someone else.
    Now the liberals are upset about you are exercising your right to the first and second amendment.
    When they doing it's freedom of speech a right.
    Now we will be demonize and villainies by the liberals.
    That's what they do because it's in the book rules for radicals.
    Follow me for 1 min.
    In world war 2 Patton won a decisive battle against Ramos one of the greats general of his time.
    This victory change the war in AMERICAS favor.
    Those of you that know your history know why Patton won that battle ?.
    He read Ramos book aka his strategy on warfare.
    Patton was one step ahead of Ramos knowing his strategy.
    Why tell you this story, study you enemies moves.
    Stay one step ahead of the liberals.
    Do what they would do if they wanted there way.
    Lets shock and awe them with there own tactics.
    We're do it when we call 202) 224-3121 or go to the town hall meetings.
    Be relentless but be respectful ask them to answer the question.
    Don't let them get away with think your stupid and don't understand what's going on get them to answer the question.
    Let them know your not one of the stupid ones and you see what there up to.
    Keep up the good work we can do this and stop them.
    We can do it one person at a time.
    When you stand up for you rights they try to tell you oh no that's not what were doing when there do it right in front of you.
    They are doing the very thing your telling them there doing
    Let them know they have to respect you, and stop the lying to you.
    They think we're stupid and that has me mad as hell.
    NO we're not stupid there are!

    Thank you for your time.
    ....................................I MAN
