Sunday, August 23, 2009

Carpe Deim

I had the occasion the other day to involve myself in a conversation that in retrospect reveals a poison attitude in today's society. The UPS delivery driver stopped by the estate to drop off the monthly auto ship of Mona Vie. He mentioned how his delivery of the products have dramatically increased recently. I replied it's likely the introduction of the new energy drink and how it's really taken off. He was quick to point out one of his fellow UPS'ers was involved in the Mona Vie opportunity. I queried to see if he was referring to Steve Hill, and he assured me he was! I brought up last I'd heard from Steve he had become successful enough to consider shortly retiring from UPS service. The comment that followed floored me. The driver replied "He was smart enough to get in at the beginning!"

While I find Steve to be an intelligent guy who seized an opportunity when it presented itself, I also was amazed the effort he had put into building a successful business was downgraded by being in the right place at the right time. Opportunity is always disguised as work, nothing ever comes to those who sit back and wait for something to fall into their lap. McDonald's franchise owners realize at least a 7 figure income if they buy the franchise today or back in the 50's when it was established. The TEAM/Mona Vie offers the same opportunity, more so now than ever before. They both rely on a foolproof system designed by those successful in the business to roadmap your way to wealth. Luck has little to do with opportunity, success comes to those who act. Carpe diem...seize the day!

Personally I felt that driver was offering me an excuse for his normalcy. Me being, well, me, didn't accept it. I explained while McDonalds was still a viable opportunity for those who wanted to invest and work, so too is TEAM/Mona Vie. If he was looking for a financial boost centered on the booming health and wellness industry that he see Steve and ask him to show him his success principles. You get invaluable advice from people who have the fruit on the tree.

As he drove away I couldn't help but wonder if my success would be written off to my environment, or chance. Why is it success is excused by society as luck and not hard work applied? Have we become conditioned to accept mediocrity and not strive for greatness? It's easy to make excuses and become comfortable with our situation. Those who succeed step outside their comfort zone as often as possible. Challenge the status quo with effort and set the bar higher.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. How I see it.
    95% of people see success as sit around on their butts waiting to win the lotto.

    5% of people go out and do something aka look for, make, work for their opportunity.

    Success comes before work only in the dictionary.
    Thank you for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
