Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm reading an awesome book about the titan corporations of our time and what mistakes led to their downfall. It draws the contrasts and comparisons to what they did to rise, and what convoluted thinking brought their decline. What really is holding my attention is the comparisons apply to government as well. Because what is government but a poorly run corporation? History shows repeatedly, that the mighty fall. The Egyptian Old Kingdom, the Minoans of Crete, the Chou Dynasty, the Hittite Empire, the Mayan Civilization, Athens and Rome-all fell!

This book points out the five stages of decline. Let's see if anything sounds familiar!

Stage one kicks in when people become arrogant, regard success as a basic entitlement, and they lose sight of what created their success in the first place.

Wow! What a mouthful! When we say arrogant, does anyone come to mind? Isn't it true we are also trying to entitle others who are less productive to equal success? Haven't we lost sight of the principles this great nation was founded upon? Sounds to me like America has all three symptoms of stage one decline cancer.

I'm going to break this into several parts because there is so much to absorb. Think about those three symptoms described above, ask the bold questions of how they apply to our government today. There is a message we need to hear in those words....

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. They know what's good for us even if it kill us.
    Found out why there not doing nothing about the oil spill today.
    It's the same old tactic deception"!
    You will also find out soon the oil spill deception and some of you already know you lost a little more freedom while looking at the oil spill.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
