Tuesday, June 22, 2010

PC Baby!

An old school mate of mine recently posted a quote on Face book I have to pass on. "I'd rather be correct than politically correct." (Mike Kane) The more I think about that one, the more it shines as the key to the attitudes America has presented the past few decades. The sad thing is it's getting worse. How sad is it we try to avoid the problem by referring to people who've entered this country by breaking the law, " undocumented workers", rather than identifying the issue and naming them what they are, "illegal aliens?"

We've stopped fighting "the war on terror", and now we are proceeding with an "overseas contingency effort." The list is endless, and shameless. Exactly when did we trade in our combat boots for glass slippers? Mike and I had a nun way back in eighth grade that used to go on a tirade everyday and tell us how mollycoddled we were, she must be spinning in her grave watching this nation rename everything so no one gets hurt feelings. I'm certain she'd tell us to pull our zippers around to the front and own our problems.

One of the keys to solving any problem is to first recognize you actually have one. Isn't sugarcoating a problem by renaming it to something more palatable denying there is an issue? It's the mantra of any addict, to fail to admit they have a problem. So let's insist we address these and any other issues head on. I propose that from now on we rename PC from the current politically correct to........poignantly cognizant.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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