Friday, June 4, 2010


This morning I took a minuet to reflect on the state of the union. Unemployment is through the roof, the national debt is out of control, we have an oil spill threatening the southern states, the economy is so fragile if anyone makes a move it fluctuates wildly, North Korea has sunk a South Korea ship and they are on the brink of war, North Korea has nuclear capabilities and is testing long range missiles, Iran has enough enriched uranium to build two nuclear warheads, there is war in Iraq and Afghanistan with no end in sight, Israel is about to have to defend it's borders, and the Greek economy has collapsed putting the entire European Union is a state of unstability. Sorry about the run on sentence!

Are we better off than we were before this administration took office? If you were a stock holder in this company, with all these disasters looming, how long would you hold the stock? Can you sleep peacefully at night with the thought of all these pending disasters coming to a head all at once? Is the management up to the task, or inept and bumbling? Is the phrase, "I've inherited," solving anything at this point, or just a lame excuse?

Meanwhile the upper level management of this corporation is out playing golf and basketball, attending sporting events and barbecues. Their focus is on creating "green" jobs, which is a program that has already failed in Spain. Terrorist activity is at an all time high yet the borders are wide open and the person responsible for all of this is attending an award ceremony for a music icon, who can't help but take a shot at America in his acceptance speech.

If this was a corporation responsible to stock holders, how long would this present management be employed? We are but one incident from this whole thing collapsing. This is a house of cards and it's top-heavy. Louisiana has just gotten a dose of how effective Washington currently responds to a crisis, can you imagine two crisis or three at once? We lack leadership. We have voted into office an excuse machine, that is inept at problem solving. It's time for change at all levels of government.

I suggest you follow the newly elected governor of New Jersey, that's a leader and a problem solver. Governor Christy should be the role model of all future politicians. He stands up to the critics and has a get it done attitude. I'm thinking a great running mate might be the governor of Arizona, Governor Brewer seems to have the pluck it takes to be a leader and a solution finder. The one thing they both share is a willingness to take charge and own a problem, then act! I don't see that at any level of the current crop of politicians in Washington today!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. How I see it I MAN.
    Little Johnny, little Steve along with little Sally I can see blaming each other they are children.
    Washington you have NO! excuse.
    WAIT!! maybe we have children in Washington hummm! children in Washington.
    If we have children in Washington then it's time out for them.
    Lets give the children in Washington time out to think about it in November.

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
